
发布时间:2018-04-26 18:41:10

   :      Creating and Writing Research Reports:

                       A Systematic Approach 

:      Liying Cheng and Chris DeLuca

讲座时间:   5月4日下午3:00 — 4:30

讲座地点:   文科楼八楼学术报告厅

Liying Cheng, Ph.D., Professor and Director of Assessment and Evaluation Group at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University, Canada. Dr. Liying Cheng has been a language teacher and language teacher educator for more than 20 years and her primary research interests are the impact of large-scale testing on instruction, the relationships between assessment and instruction, and the academic and professional acculturation of international and new immigrant students, workers, and professionals to Canada. Her recent books include Assessment in the Language Classroom: Teachers Supporting Student Learning (2017), Language Classroom Assessment (2013), English Language Assessment and the Chinese Learner (2010) and others.

Chris DeLuca: Ph.D., Associate Professor and Graduate Faculty member in Classroom Assessment at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University Canada. Dr. DeLuca leads the Classroom Assessment Research Team and is a member of the Queen’s Assessment and Evaluation Group. His research has been widely published in national and international journals and has received continuous funding from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. He has served as President of the Canadian Educational Researchers’ Association and is currently the Editor of the Canadian Journal of Education.




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